Month: 7 years ago


Mixed3d Scans

About four days ago Lamar and I went to Mixed3D to get some scans done for his birthday.  They have an interesting booth filled with Raspberry Pis that generate a 3D model. They also offer to print those 3D models in full color using sandstone (which we took them up on).  From the scans we picked 2 […]

Jared Rhodes 
Azure Azure IoT Cognitive Services Edge Speaking Engagements

IRIS Conference

April 14th is the Integrative Research and Ideas Symposium (IRIS) hosted by the UGA Graduate-Professional Student Association. I will be speaking on three separate topics at the event: Virtual Reality and IoT – Interacting with the Changing World Enable IoT with Edge Computing and Machine Learning Alternative Device Interfaces and Machine Learning More than that though […]

Jared Rhodes