Pluralsight Course Published – Designing an Intelligent Edge in Microsoft Azure
Jared Rhodes, Microsoft MVP and Pluralsight Author, discusses his newly published course, Designing an Intelligent Edge in Microsoft Azure
Speaking at DotNetSouth.Tech
I look forward to speaking on AI on the Edge at DotNetSouth.Tech. This year is the conference’s first year so check it out. AI on the...
Speaking at Orlando Code Camp
I am happy to announce I will speaking at the Orlando Code Camp again this year. I will be presenting AI on the Edge, a look into...
Hacking Izon Cameras and using Azure IoT Edge
After Izon announced that they were closing down their services (leaving the cameras I already owned useless), I decided to turn them into...
Using Open CV C++ with Azure IoT Edge
If you are looking for a guide on creating an Open CV module in Python, check out a guide here. This guide will focus on creating an Azure...
Using Protocol Buffers with Azure IoT Edge
Google’s Protocol Buffers are a perfect fit with the multilingual approach of Azure IoT Edge. Using ProtoBuf, a message format can...
.NET Rocks Podcast is out!
The interview I had with .NET Rocks! is here....
.NET Rocks Interview
After my sessions at Update Conference Prague I will be discussing the Azure IoT Edge platform with .NET Rocks!. Hopefully I will have...
Azure IoT Edge – exec user process caused “exec format error”
If running Edge on a Raspberry Pi and an Edge container’s logs show ‘exec user process caused “exec format...
Azure IoT Edge stuck restarting
NOTE: This is for the private preview version of Azure IoT Edge If your Azure IoT Edge runtime is giving the status of: IoT Edge Status:...