Speaking at DotNetSouth.Tech
I look forward to speaking on AI on the Edge at DotNetSouth.Tech. This year is the conference’s first year so check it out. AI on the...
Speaking at Orlando Code Camp
I am happy to announce I will speaking at the Orlando Code Camp again this year. I will be presenting AI on the Edge, a look into...
CodeMash 2019 – Alternative Device Interfaces and Machine Learning
I was once again accepted to speak at CodeMash. This year I will be presenting – Alternative Device Interfaces and Machine Learning....
Update Conference Prague
I have been selected to speak at Update Conference Prague during 22nd – 23rd November 2018. This year I will be giving two talks:...
TechBash 2018
This year I will be presenting Enable IoT with Edge Computing and Machine Learning at TechBash. Here is the outline: Being able to run...
Interview with The Cube
At Devnet Create I was interviewed by The Cube. Heres the resulting interview:...
IRIS Conference
April 14th is the Integrative Research and Ideas Symposium (IRIS) hosted by the UGA Graduate-Professional Student Association. I will be...
Azure Global Bootcamp Atlanta
This year will be the 4th annual Azure Global Bootcamp in Atlanta. If you don’t know about Azure Global Bootcamp here is their...
DevNet Create
I’m proud to be presenting Alternative Device Interfaces and Machine Learning at DevNet Create this year. With AI becoming more...
DevNet Create
I’m proud to be presenting Alternative Device Interfaces and Machine Learning at DevNet Create this year. With AI becoming more...