Azure Azure IoT Cognitive Services Edge Speaking Engagements
Jared Rhodes  

IRIS Conference

April 14th is the Integrative Research and Ideas Symposium (IRIS) hosted by the UGA Graduate-Professional Student Association. I will be speaking on three separate topics at the event:

  • Virtual Reality and IoT – Interacting with the Changing World
  • Enable IoT with Edge Computing and Machine Learning
  • Alternative Device Interfaces and Machine Learning

More than that though I look forward to hearing about the innovations and research provided by the graduate students and professionals at UGA. Here is their synopsis of IRIS:

The UGA Graduate-Professional Student Association is proud to announce IRIS 2018, a unique and exciting opportunity for students and other researchers from throughout the UGA community. 

This initiative’s focus on community-building, cross-pollination of ideas, transferrable skills, and service will:

  • Provide an excellent opportunity to enhance research communication skills and present research to an interdisciplinary audience. 
  • Expose students to cutting-edge scholarship, industry professionals, and rich professional development opportunities.
  • Help attendees refine the content and language of their C.V.’s and resumés through career workshops. 
  • Encourage shared scholarship, research, and service.
  • Equip attendees with new knowledge and skills which can strengthen teaching, learning, and career outcomes. 
  • Empower attendees to translate skills and research interests into career competencies. 

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